Current Shoe Obsession

Current Shoe Obsession

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Possible Careers

Careers I Want to try Pursuing: [Key terms: Want, try;]

  • Air Force Medic
  • Solicitor General
  • a University professor [that actually meets her students]
  • Pharmacist
  • Photographer
  • a Sports team coach
  • Nurse Practitioner

On a side note: I wish Jesus were alive, I want to meet him. This thought occurred to me at church today. I want to get to know his personality and know who he is. I want to be his VVVVVVVIP. Does he like jokes? What kinds of colors and music would he like? If he were alive, I would stalk him like nobody’s business.

But of course, Jesus wouldn’t need earthly music/color/jokes… etc. Still.

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